3 out of 4 weeks in Sept 2019 are long weekends for most Malaysians. Most people would go for a short getaway, some would go back to hometown or welcome families from outstation to stay over.

But did you ever review on your spending for these long weekends? Did you spend more during these weekends or spend lesser than usual?
Congratulations if you spent lesser than usual. If you spent more, then you might need to think about your retirement because during retirement, everyday is 🆆🅴🅴🅺🅴🅽🅳🆂!!!
How long can your retirement fund last? What are your sources? What else can you do to sustain ever-lasting weekends? 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖈𝖙 𝖀𝖘 to find out more.