Robert Tu (R2)May 16Banking groups warn 🛑 public of National Scam Response Centre officer impersonation scams14/5/2024 The public has been reminded to remain vigilant against scams involving individuals impersonating National Scam Response Centre...
Stephanie LaiApr 16你与千万富豪的距离💰,只差这一个东西😲巴菲特的金钱观:用翻盖手机 早餐不超过4美元 股神巴菲特身家逾千亿美元,靠的不只是精准的投资眼光,他也以 节俭生活 着称。 根据外媒报道,92岁的巴菲特一直住在他65年前买下的房子,从未搬家过。这栋房子是他在65年前以3.15万美元,大约是现在的32万9505美元买下的。...
shaniecheongMar 6Local influencers 🛍️ rent a private jet to flaunt an image of success 💥✈️The next time you see an influencer flaunt their extravagant lifestyle on social media, pause for a moment to consider if the image...