Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental condition featuring a series of irrational thoughts and fears [obsessions] which lead to repetitive behaviour [compulsions]. It disrupts your daily routine and causes significant distress.
Trying to resist these compulsions may cause more anxiety, and you will inevitably come back to these bothersome urges leading to an almost ritualistic behaviour. This is the vicious cycle of OCD.
3.0% of the population, or about 900,000 Malaysians are estimated to suffer from OCD.
Obsession Symptoms
Obsessions are persistent, repetitive and intrusive thoughts and urges. You may try to ignore them or get rid of them by performing a compulsive behaviour or ritual. Obsessions often have themes to them, such as:
Fear of contamination or dirt
Doubting and having difficulty tolerating uncertainty
Needing things orderly and symmetrical
Aggressive or horrific thoughts about losing control and harming yourself or others
Unwanted thoughts, including aggression, or sexual or religious subjects
Examples of symptoms include:
Fear of contamination by germs
Excessive doubt and need for constant reassurance
Intense stress when objects aren't orderly or facing a certain way
Fear of causing harm to others
Fear of being embarrassed or behaving in a socially unacceptable manner
Unpleasant sexual images
Avoidance of situations that can trigger obsessions, such as shaking hands
Compulsion Symptoms
Compulsions are repetitive behaviours that you feel compelled to perform. These acts are meant to soothe the anxiety brought about by intrusive obsessions. However, engaging in compulsions bring about no pleasure and may only provide temporary relief from anxiety.
You may make up rules or rituals to help cope with the obsessions. Often, these compulsions are excessive and are not realistically related to the problem they are intended to fix. Common themes for compulsions include:
Washing and cleaning
Following a strict routine
Demanding reassurance
Examples of signs and symptoms of compulsions:
Washing hands till your skin turns raw
Repeatedly checking things, like doors or stoves
Refusing to shake hands or touch doorknobs
Eating food in a certain order
Silently repeating a prayer, word or phrase
Arranging your ornaments to face the same way