shaniecheongSep 8, 2023Tragic Hokkaido accident tears apart family of four 👨🏾👩🏻👧🏽👦🏽Karthik Subramaniam recalls the haunting screams of his wife moments before blacking out after a collision with a lorry in Hokkaido,...
Stephanie LaiApr 14, 2023🏥病床不足🛏 父心脏病滞留急诊室逾17小时⏳近日,一名网民在推特发文诉苦😪,父亲心脏病发作💥而被紧急送进政府医院🚑 但因床位不足的原因,父亲滞留在急诊室超过17个小时⏳,仍然未被安排入住医院。 该网民对此感到非常失望与不满,并表示这就是大马政府医院最真实的一面。同时,他也在贴文中标签首相以及卫生部长,希望他们能...
Robert Tu (R2)May 19, 2021Selangor offers 🧡 RM380 Covid-19 vaccine shots to businesses😘(PETALING JAYA -- 19/5/2021) Bosses can now buy Vaccines for their staffs. Selangor is implementing its own initiative to complement the...