A Consumer's Guide to Financial Planning
How does
a Financial Plan work?
Provides direction to your:
Personal Financial Management​
Cash Flow
Better control over your money
Grows and protects your assets
Make the right choices and avoid costly mistakes

When do I need
a Financial Plan?
If you are thinking of starting a family
If you are approaching retirement
If you have inherited money
If you want to preserve or accumulate Wealth​
Other life-changing events

Objectives of
Financial Planning
Ascertain your direction in life
Define your life's priorities
Work out the route/financial plan for you to achieve your life goals
Walk you through the financial roadmap and its solutions
Ensure you are on the right track throughout the journey

Financial Planning Process
Establish and define the client-planner relationship
Gather client data, including goals
Analyze and evaluate your financial status
Develop financial planning recommendations and/or alternatives
Implement the financial planning recommendation
Monitor the financial planning recommendation

Common Types of Financial Professionals
Unit Trust Consultant (UTC)
Offer unit trust products which suit your risk appetite from the attached UTMC
Tied to only one unit trust management company (UTMC)
Registered with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM)
Private Retirement Scheme (PRS) Consultant
Offer the most appropriate PRS products from the attached PRS provider​
Tied to only one PRS provider
Registered with the FIMM
Wealth Managers (WMs)
Banks employees​
Represents commercial banks which are licensed and regulated by BNM
Financial Consultants (FCs)
Recommend financial products & services (e.g loans, credit cards, etc.) based on personal needs and risk appetite​
Represents commercial banks which are licensed and regulated by BNM
Insurance/Takaful Agent
Sells insurance policies/takaful plans issued by the represented insurance company/takaful operator​
Represents the principal insurance company or takaful operator
Regulated by: PIAM (general agent), LIAM (life agent) & Malaysian Takaful Association (takaful agent)

Who are
Licensed Financial Planners?
A professional who represents the financial planning company
Both the company and the Financial Planner are regulated by the Securities Commission (SC)

Where to find
a Licensed Financial Planner?
Log in to www.sc.com.my
Click on the "Licensing" tab
Scroll down to the "Public Register of License Holder"
Browse assuredly

a Licensed Financial Planner
Get a clear picture of your financial situation.
Assets - Property, savings, car; other investments​
Liabilities - Debts including loans, mortgages and outstanding credit card balances
Ask yourself what type of financial plan you would like to have.
Comprehensive - Examines all financial areas simultaneously (protection, investments, retirement, estate planning)​
Modular - Addresses a specific segment of your financial life
During initial engagements, your Licensed Financial Planner will provide you with:
The scope of the plan​
Fees - How you will be charged
Confidentiality clauses

Common Types of Financial Planning & Advisory Professionals
Financial Planning Companies & Licensed Financial Planners (LFPs)
Coach & guide you on your financial goals and can draw up a detailed financial plan​
Provide direction and appropriate solutions tailored to your needs
Review your financial plan regularly to ensure you are still on track to attain your goals
Both are licensed by the SC
Represents consumer
Financial Advisers (FAs) and Financial Adviser's Representatives (FARs)
Provide advisory services on financial products & other related services on a need basis​
Independent entities who can advise you on the best plan from a wide range of products/plans
FAs are companies approved by BNM to provide financial advisory services; FARs are their appointed representatives
Represents consumer