Robert Tu (R2)Jan 24Ipoh woman loses RM6.2mil in gold investment scam🚨23/1/2024 A trader has been cheated of about RM6.2mil in a nonexistent investment scheme. The 61-year-old victim only realised she had...
Robert Tu (R2)Nov 10, 2023Influential 'Datuk' behind RM 1bil investment 𝓢𝓒𝓐𝓜 exposed, victims call for action🚨7 November 2023 Scammer has been operating his illicit activities for more than 15 years. Several victims have come forward to expose an...
Robert Tu (R2)Sep 29, 2023买地建环保城 30人投资百万 竟只获一张手写收据😣28/9/2023 1 对中国籍夫妇和 2 名本地男子合伙经营环保公司,声称要在大马买地和收购环保公司,以建设环保城,还扬言要在美国上市,吸引逾30名国内外投资者投资约百万令吉,岂料众人苦等9个月,却只获得一张手写收据❗ 其中一名投资人今午代表 30...