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Worry-Free Retirement

What Is Retirement?

Retirement refers to the period of living when one chooses to permanently leave the workforce behind. 


While many people imagine retirement as a permanent vacation, it isn't. Retirement is more like a stay-at-home vacation. You’re not going to work, but you still have all your usual responsibilities, whether it’s taking care of the house and yard, doing your volunteer job or taking care of grandchildren. To really relax and take time off, you have to get away from home.


When to Retire?

When asked about retirement age, most people wants to retire as early as possible without really looking into the numbers, dependents upon retirements, years to sustain etc.


Retirement is inevitable unless pre-mature death. Ready or not, it'll arrive sooner than you expected. Either you retire from work or retire from life.


In Malaysia, the official retirement age is 60 so do not think it's still at 55. Average life span of a male is age 72 while female is at age 75 which means that you still need to live at least 12-15 years without income, if you are still healthy. However, due to medical advancement, the lifespan might pro-long.


I've done many surveys on youngsters that they wish to retire at age 40 while they are still around 25 years old. This means that they only need to work for 15 years but retire for more than 30 years.


Every Ringgit you are earning now, is to feed the present & future YOU.

So, do you think working for 15 years is enough? 

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